British Colonials Starved to Death 60 million-plus Indians, But, Why?

In the past I have written a few times about British Raj's policies during the colonization of India (now South Asia) from 1757 to 1947.
When the East India Company (EIC) colonized Bengal (today's Bangladesh and its adjacent territories in India), Bengal was probably the richest country in the world with a population that had enough of every thing with a GDP that was higher than many countries of Europe, including England. Unfortunately, when the British left India, Bengal (or East Pakistan, in particular, which was later to become Bangladesh) became a very province. Why?
When the EIC took control over India, the latter had a population of 155 million. However, when the British left in 1947 after some 190 years of colonization, the population grew to only 355 million, reflecting an annual growth rate of only 0.49%. Now South Asia has a total population of 1.6 billion, while the people are poor. Since 1947, South Asia's population has grown annually by 2.1% in spite of poverty. How does one explain this phenomena? Was there a concerted effort by the colonizers to depopulate India?
Ramrtanu Maitra, like me, believes so. Here is his piece - British Colonials Starved to Death 60 million-plus Indians, But, Why?, which can be seen by clicking here.


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