Are the Rohingyas facing genocide?

Are the Rohingyas of Myanmar facing genocide? Like many other genocide researchers, I have also shown through my well-researched works that they are facing genocide. In this context, it should be understood that genocide is a process and not an end result that the concerned people in our globe should wait for to stop this gruesome crime against humanity. It is then too late to do any good to the victims. Trying some of the bigwigs simply don't stop the crime from happening. If the world community is serious it must stop such crimes against the victims now.

Myanmar’s Rohingya minority population is in “the final stages of a genocidal process” comparable to that in Nazi Germany in the 1930s and Rwanda in the 1990s, and attacks against them are planned at the highest levels of government, according to a new report from a British research institute, International State Crime Initiative (ISCI) at Queen Mary University of London.

Click here to read their findings.

Based on genocide expert Daniel Feierstein’s framework of the six stages of genocide, the report’s researchers found compelling similarities between Myanmar and Rwanda in the early 1990s, and even Nazi Germany in the 1930s. According to the report, the first four stages had already been met – stigmatization, harassment, isolation, and systematic weakening – even if the terrifying final stages, such as mass killings, have not yet taken place.

With the latest ethnic cleansing drives against the Rohingya, once again we are witnessing the slow genocide of this unfortunate people who seemingly are abandoned by our powerful nations that are more interested in opening trade and commerce relationship than saving lives. The Myanmar government will not voluntarily stop its violent campaign and discrimination against the Rohingya. Beyond a migrant crisis or major upsurge in violence, the plight of the Rohingya is also largely ignored by the international community. Together, this sets a worrying precedent for defending and protecting minority rights, not just of the Rohingya in Myanmar, but of vulnerable groups everywhere.


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